
Busy Busy Busy

I just had to include this picture of my daughter because, after introducing her to fingerpaints, she excitedly demanded, WHAT ELSE CAN I PUT PAINT ON??? I put paint on the paper and the wall and my toy and WHAT ELSE CAN I PUT PAINT ON????" I wasn't too pleased to be cleaning the paint off so many surfaces but her enthusiasm for it really made me laugh out loud. I just couldn't be mad at her....excitement over creativity can be contagious!

I have several vintage tins full of words.....scraps torn from books, magazines, print ads, fliers, you name it. I keep running out of room in my little boxes so I found this old cigar box. I liked it's really unusual shape. It's like a foot and a half long. I decorated it in novel pages, scraps of stamped paper, tissue and a dash of this and that. Then I covered it in an acrylic coating to protect it against rips and tears.
I created this book with recycled paperboard from cereal boxes and other cast offs bound for the trash. I used a method I found in the book, Kaleidoscope (i highly recommend you get yourself a copy!!!), where you time yourself in five minute increments. First you dash some paint on a bunch of pages in various colors for five minutes. The next five minutes you scribble on some pages. The next five minutes you randomly glue stuff on some pages....and on and on and on in five minute increments. When you are all done with the various steps, you cut down the pages until they are all 5 X 7 inches. The scraps you tape together with masking tape until they are also big enough to cut down into 5 x7 pages. It was SO FUN. The next few pictures show a few pages from the inside. The piece in the background of this picture is a work in progress.....


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